FAQ Project Plan 365

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Why and when to use a custom view?
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A custom view may come in handy when you do not want to modify the standard Gantt Chart by adding customization, alter the table, etc. Think when multiple people work on the same project and they all have different needs and preferences - you just go on and create a custom Gantt Chart that fits your needs and speedup your project analysis process while maintaining the other views clean.
What is a custom view?
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A custom view is a Gantt Chart based view, that supports various customization (name, table, filter, group, styles) while keeping the standard Gantt Chart unchanged.
What does the Task Burndown chart show in the Burndown report?
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The Task Burndown chart shows a comparison of the number of tasks finished, the number of remaining tasks and the baseline estimate of how many tasks would be finished at this point in the project.
What does the Work Burndown chart show in the Burndown report?
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The Work Burndown chart shows a comparison of how much work is finished, how much work is scheduled to be finished and the baseline estimate of how much work would be completed at this point in the project.
What charts are available in the Burndown report?
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In Burndown report are available two charts: Work Burndown and Task Burndown.
What does the “Burndown” report?
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The "Burndown" report is a visual representation of work left to do versus time. It gives you the project status by comparing the planned, completed and remaining work on a chart, based on your current project data.
What is a password protected file?
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Password protected files are files which in order to be opened require authentication via password.
What is a resource calendar?
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Resource calendars are normal calendars that ensure the resources are scheduled only when they are available for work. You can change working time or nonworking time for e set of resources at any time.
What does the “Resource Information” functionality do?
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The Resource Information as the name describes it, allows to view basic information about the selected resource and the resource's availability and also you can change the resource name, Initials, Group, or Code for the selected resource.

My project plan does not take limited ressource into account, means 2 tasks remain in parallel with only 1 ressource allocated 100%. How can I plan my project automatically with limited ressources?
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Project Plan 365 app will not move your task automatically if you have the same resource on two parallel tasks. 

The application tells you that you have an overallocated resource by making the entire resource font with red in Resource Sheet view.

If you want tasks to be in sequence, you need to link the tasks and specify a predecessor.

Where can I set a Group for my resource?
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​To set a group for your resource click on the desired resource - Resource menu tab - Resource Information - General - Group.​
Where can I find more information about a resource?
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​To view more detailed information about a resource, in any resource view (Resource Sheet, Resource Usage, or Resource Graph), click the resource, and then click Resource Information.​
How do I assign a resource to a summary task?
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In the Gantt Chart, go to the Resource Names column. Click on the arrow and pick the resources to work on the task.

Where can I insert a resource?
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With contextual New Resource option allows you to insert a resource at any position in the list of resources from your project: either on top of the list, in the middle or at the bottom the list. In case you select a row in Resource Sheet and press Insert option the newly added resource will be inserted in the resource list above the selected row.

What does the “Insert Multiple Resources” functionality do?

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The “Insert Multiple Resources” functionality allows you to insert multiple resources at the same time.

Does deleting multiple resources affect the project schedule?
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Deleting a resource from your project may affect your schedule and you may run into problems. The resource assignments involving a resource are also removed from the tasks in your project: deleting a resource means any assignments you’ve made are gone as well, such that you run the risk of orphaning tasks without anyone to perform them. Costs could change: when you remove a resource from a task, the application deletes any actual costs associated with the resource.

What does the “Delete Resource” functionality do?

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The “Delete Resource” functionality, as the name describes it, allows the possibility of erasing a resource from a project.

What does the “Delete Multiple Resources” functionality do?

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The “Delete Multiple Resources” functionality, as the name describes it, allows the possibility of erasing multiple resources at a time from a project.

How do I set the amount of work that people perform on tasks?
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To set the amount of work that people perform on tasks you need to keep in mind that you need to add people to your project schedule before so you can assign them to work on tasks. Click View – Gantt Chart – in the Work column of a task enter the amount of time desired.

What does the "Set Resource Units" functionality do?

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The “Set Resource Units” functionality, allows you to set the percentage of working time you want the resource to spend on the task.
How can I specify the consumption rate for a material resource?
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To specify the consumption rate of a material resource, in the Units field, type a decimal that indicates the amount of material to be used for this assignment, and then enter the material label. 

For example, if you're using 20 yards of lumber, type 20. 

The resource units can be changed in Gantt grid on resource name cell amid [] type desired value units.

How do I set the working time a resource must spend on a task?
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To change the percentage of working time for a resource, in the Units field, type a percentage less than 100. The resource units can be also changed in Gantt grid. On resource name cell amid [] type desired % units

What is Unit availability?
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Unit availability represents an amount of time, expressed as a percentage or a decimal number, that a resource can be scheduled for assigned work. It refers to the availability of a resource; for example, a resource may be available 50%, 100%, or 300% of full time.

What is Resource Overallocation?
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A resource is overallocated when it is assigned too much work to complete within the resource's available time. You can resolve resource overallocation by adjusting either tasks or resources in your project.

Is the multiple selection feature available on all platforms?
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The multiple selection feature is available only on Windows, Mac and Web.