FAQs Scheduling

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Can I upload a subproject from My Projects - Drive 365 cloud?
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You can upload a subproject file from Drive 365 cloud. In order to upload a file from Drive 365, go to menu Project - Subproject - Drive 365.
What does the "Master Project and Subprojects" functionality do?
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The "Master Project and Subprojects" functionality allows you to create a master project file uploading files from Drive 365 cloud or from the local device.
How do you add % complete in Tracking Gantt or Gantt Chart view?
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In order to add the % complete in Tracking Gantt or Gantt Chart view, please insert the %complete field by going to menu Format-Insert Column, select %Complete and click Ok.
How do I know due tasks not completed?
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In order to see the tasks that are not completed, please look at %Complete field. All the tasks that have other value than 100 are not completed yet.
Can I create a link between tasks in different subprojects?
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At this moment you can only view an external task created with MS Project.
How to set Lead and Lag times between tasks?
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To set Lead or Lag time between tasks, on the View menu – click Gantt Chart – select the desired task and go to Task Information – Predecessors – In the Lag field type a positive number for lag time or a negative number for Lead time.
How do I change the default duration units?
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To change the default duration units, click File – Options – Schedule – select the desired units from the Duration is entered in box – click OK.
What is a Predecessor?
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A predecessor is a task whose start and finish date determines the start or finish date of its successor task. The Predecessor is the task completed prior to the current task.
What is a Successor?
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A successor is a task whose start or finish date is driven by its predecessor task. The Successor is the task completed after the current task.
How do I change all dates from an old project?
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To change all dates from an old project you need to move the project start date. Go to menu Project – Move Project and select another date and click OK. Make sure that the % complete for your tasks is 0%.
What is Timephased data?
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Time Phased refers to a task, resource, or assignment information that is distributed over time. You can review time phased information in any available time period in the fields on the right side of the Task Usage and Resource Usage views.

How do I set start finish date hours?
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Before starting to schedule your project by setting start and finish dates, you can use the Date Format option on the File menu in the Options dialog box to specify the date format used to display information in date fields. For a task you can enter the time and the date in any order or you can use calendar picker to select desired date and hour.
What does the "Set start finish date hours" functionality do?
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The “Set Start Finish date hours” functionality, as the name describes it, allows you to set the start and the finish date hours to your tasks.
How do I change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months?
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To change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months click File – Options – Schedule tab – select the desired settings from the Hours per day, Hours per week, and Days per month boxes – click OK.
What does the “Change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months?” functionality do?
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The “Change task scheduling options defaults for days, weeks, and months” functionality, as the name describes it, allows to make changes in the tasks scheduling settings to indicate how much time you want to constitute a day, a week, and a month when entering and reviewing durations in a task view. It can also help you synchronize task scheduling with what you've established in the working time calendars for resource.
What is the difference between Assignment and Time Phased Assignment Fields?
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Assignment fields show information for each assignment. Assignment fields can be displayed in the sheet portion of the Task Usage and Resource Usage views Time Phased assignment fields show information for each assignment as distributed over its duration. Time Phased assignment fields can be displayed in the time phased portion of the Resource Usage and Task Usage Views.
What is the difference between Resource and Time Phased Resource Fields?
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Resource fields show information for each resource, including summarized information on all tasks assigned to each resource. Resource fields can be displayed in the resource views such as the Resource Sheet and Resource Usage views. Time Phased resource fields show information for each resource as distributed over the duration of resource availability on the project. Time Phased Resource fields can be displayed in the time phased portion of the Resource Usage View.
What is the difference between Task and Timephased Task Fields?
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Task fields show task-related information and can be displayed in the task views such as the Gantt Chart, Task Sheet, and Network Diagram views. Time Phased task fields show information for each task as distributed over its duration. Time Phased task fields can be displayed in the Time Phased portion of the Task Usage View.
How can I see the Total Slack field for my tasks?
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To see the Total Slack field for your tasks, click on the Project menu – Table – Schedule or insert the Total Slack column to the current table by clicking Format – Insert Column – select the Total Slack field – click OK.
When should I use the Total Slack field?
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Use the Total Slack field to determine whether the task has any time available for a delay. This can be useful if a resource needs more time on a task, or if you want to assign a resource to another task. You can also use the Total Slack field to determine how to recover a schedule that's slipping.
How can I see the Late Finish date for tasks?
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To see the Late Finish for tasks, select the Gantt View – in the Project menu – click Table – Schedule - Insert the Late Finish column if it is not appearing in the grid by going to the Format menu – Insert Column.
How can I see the Late Start date for tasks?
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To see the Late Start for tasks, select the Gantt View – in the Project menu – click Table – Schedule - Insert the Late Start column if it is not appearing in the grid by going to the Format menu – Insert Column.
Why should I use the Late Start and Late Finish fields?
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Add the Late Start field to a task view, along with the Early Start, Early Finish, and Late Finish fields, to analyze any delay and find any available slack time in your schedule.
How is the Late Start and Late Finish fields calculated?
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When you first create a task, its late finish date is the same as the project finish date, and its late start date is calculated as the project finish date minus the task duration. As you link the task to predecessors and successors and apply any other constraints, application calculates the late start date as the last possible date this task could be started if all predecessor and successor tasks also start and finish on their late start and late finish dates.
How can I see the Early Finish date for tasks?
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To see the Early Finish for tasks, select the Gantt View – in the Project menu – click Table – Schedule - Insert the Early Finish column by going to the Format menu – Insert Column.