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How do I change the default duration units?
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To change the default duration units, click File – Options – Schedule – select the desired units from the Duration is entered in box – click OK.
What is Recurring task?
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Recurring Tasks are the tasks that happen on a regular basis. When you mark a task complete, the next task is automatically generated based on the repeating pattern you set up.

What does the “Hyperlink” functionality do?
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The “Hyperlink” functionality allows to add or change hyperlinks from your tasks to various file locations, including files that reside locally on your disk or web addresses.

What is Milestone?
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A Milestone is a timestamp in the project marking the end of a major project goal or phase.
I can't copy a list of cells to a project. All of them get copied to the same task instead.
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The only way we could reach your state described was by entering cell in edit mode and then pasting the content into it. In this case, the entire information that was copied from excel is considered as single value, and so, it is normal to place the information into one cell. Keep in mind when trying to copy/paste multiple values, you must have the cell selected, but not be in edit mode in that cell (edit mode is when the cursor symbol appears in the cell). One suggestion is to copy the information from column one by one.​
How can I replace multiple words from the project?
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After selecting the “Replace” option a dialog will appear. In the “Find what” box type the text or numbers that you want to search for. Select the desired fields from “Look in field”, select the test search criteria and select the “Match” case check box. After that press “Replace” if you want to replace text or numbers from a single task or press “Replace All” if you want to replace multiple words or numbers from the entire project.
Where can I find the “Replace” option?
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To reach to the “Replace” command go to the “Task” menu, press on the arrow under “Find” option and select “Replace”. You can also find the replace button in the “Find” dialog.
Why can't I undo more than one action?
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Application provides single-level undo/redo (it allows just one undo/redo level), enabling you to make changes, and then to revert back to the state of your project plan before you made the last changes. In this way, only one step is stored/ restored.​
How do I copy multiple tasks?
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If you want to copy multiple tasks or resources at a time, first you have to select the desired rows using SHIFT (for contiguous selection of rows) or CTRL (for noncontiguous selection of rows) keys, select the destination row and then use the Paste command to copy the selected rows. The copied tasks or resources will be inserted above the selected destination row and the IDs of the remaining tasks or resources will be automatically renumbered.​
What data is copied when I copy a resource?
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By copying a resource the following information about it will be copied: resource name, type, material label, initials, group, std. rate, cost/use, base calendar and code. 

To copy a resource click Copy option from Task tab, press CTRL+C/Command+C or select Copy Resource from contextual menu after you right click on a task.

In order to paste a resource, select the rows where you want to paste the selection and Click Paste.​​

How do I add notes to a task?
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There are 3 ways to add a note to a task:
1. Click on the desired task and go to Task - Task Information – Notes
2. Double click on ID cell associated with the desired task in Gantt Chart, Task Sheet or Tracking Gantt view. 
3. Insert the Notes field inside your table.

How do I set a deadline for a task?
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To set a deadline for a task click on the desired task and go to Task - Task Information - Advanced - Deadline.
How do I set my task duration from days to weeks?
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To change the duration of a task from days to weeks click on the index of the desired task - Task - Task Information - Duration and type the number of weeks followed by the "Weeks" keyword.

How can I set the %complete duration for a task?
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To change the %complete duration for a task double click on the desired task - General - Percent Complete and change it accordingly.
Trying to change start and end dates on iOS device. Will not allow year change. Dropdown has no year?
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To see only the tasks that have a cost greater than the baseline cost click on Project - Filter - More Filters - Cost Overbudget - Apply.
What is a Predecessor?
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A predecessor is a task whose start and finish date determines the start or finish date of its successor task. The Predecessor is the task completed prior to the current task.
What is a Successor?
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A successor is a task whose start or finish date is driven by its predecessor task. The Successor is the task completed after the current task.
If I delete multiple tasks will it affect my project?
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Be careful when deleting multiple tasks as it may affect your schedule and you may lose some information inserted in your project. You can restore them by using the Undo option.

What does the “Insert Recurring Task” functionality do?
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The “Insert Recurring Tasks” functionality, as the name describes it, allows you to add a recurring task in project.
Can I add a task to Gantt Chart?
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Adding a task is allowed only in Gantt Chart, Tracking Gantt and Task Sheet views. To insert a task select on the View tab one of the above views. In an empty Task Name field, type a task name and press ENTER or press the Down arrow key on your keyboard.​

Where can I insert a task?
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There are three possible positions where you can insert a task in your project:
1. At the top of the tasks list in the Gantt grid
2. At the bottom of the tasks list in the Gantt grid
3. In the middle, relative to the selected task position: the task is inserted above the selected row.

What does the “Insert Task” functionality do?

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The “Insert Task” functionality, as the name describes it, allows you to add a task in project.

What does the “Insert Multiple Tasks” functionality do?

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The “Insert multiple tasks” functionality allows you to insert multiple tasks at the same time.

What does the “Delete multiple tasks” functionality do? 
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The “Delete multiple tasks” functionality, as the name describes it, allows the possibility of erasing multiple tasks at a time from a project.

How many task types are there ?
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There are three available task types: Fixed Units, Fixed Duration and Fixed Work.
