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How to add resources from the Task Information menu?
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You can add resources from the Task Information menu. Select resources and write or select the resource/resources you want to add with the % you want the resources or with the number of items.
What is the best way to add a lot of resources for a task?
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When you need to add multiple resources for a task the best way to do it is by entering the Task Information dialog box for that specific task.
What impact has not adding resource assignments to the schedule?
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If you don't assign resources to tasks in your project, application calculates the schedule using durations, task dependencies, constraints, and project and task calendar information. If you do assign resources, the tasks are also scheduled according to resource calendars and assignment units, providing for more accurate scheduling.
What causes Resource Overallocation?
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A resource overallocation can be caused by a resource assigned to work full-time on more than one task at the same time, increased duration of tasks or decreased unit availability for resources.
Costs in resources does not update in real time when I type in percentage in units
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We do recalculation when OK button is pressed on Task Information dialog. If you need to see how changes of the units impact the cost, please insert Cost column near Resource Name column in grid. When resource units is changed also the cost value is recalculated.​
How do I change resource rates?
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To change the resource rates on the View menu click on Resource Sheet. The resource rate should have its column set by default. If the Std Rate column does not appear in the table insert it and modify as desired the rates for resources.
Does the application calculate the total cost if I have per-use resources?
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Project Plan 365 calculates cost totals as soon as rate-based resources and resources with per-use costs are assigned to tasks, per-use cost are taken into consideration.

What are resources?
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Resources are typically people included in your project plan, whether or not they are assigned to tasks. However, a resource could also include anything that is used to complete a project, including, equipment and other materials. The whole project plan really starts when you've added resources and tasks are assigned to them.​